• Length of article: maximum of 250 words; sent in Word format.
  • No Photoshop articles or flyers will be accepted.
  • Pictures: jpeg or gif format
  • The Newsletter Chairman has the responsibility of proofing each article for format, grammar, spelling, and clarity with the exception of the GRM & GRP’s articles.
  • When submitting an article or flyer you will receive an acknowledgement from the committee. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, resend your item, or contact the chairperson.


  • E-mail addresses for the Newsletter are from the Washington Grand Court Official Booklet and are checked for accuracy yearly.
  • Each individual Member is responsible for contacting the Publications Chairperson for e-mail address changes.
  • If you are not receiving the Newsletters. You may send a request to – [email protected]
  • If you choose not to receive the Newsletters. Send a request to Stop at – [email protected]
Contact News Letter Editor