Office Name Grand Royal Matron H.L. Andrea Ames Grand Royal Patron S.K. Brian Wheeler Grand Associate Matron H.L. Lori Hanson Grand Associate Patron S.K. Jack Hutchins Jr. PGRP Grand Treasurer H.L. Sonja Thorkilsen Grand Secretary H.L. Linda Millo PGRM Grand Conductress HH.L. Jenny Harsin Grand Associate Conductress H.L. Brenda Pedersen Chairman Grand Trustees S.K. Glenn Ryder Grand Trustee 2 Yr. S.K. Blair Thisted PGRP Grand Trustee 3 Yr. H.L. Joy Peters PGRM Chief Comm. of Appeals H.L. Heather Hughes PGRM Comm. of Appeals 2 Yr. S.K. Bill Lowery PGRP Comm. of Appeals 3 Yr. S.K. John Chamberlain GRAND COURT OFFICERS
Office Name Grand Prelate S.K. Martin Monk Grand Marshal H.L. Kim Knutsen Grand Marshal in the East H.L. Judy Jones Grand Marshal in the West H.L. Lauren Hefflin Grand Lecturer H.L. Leanndra Ickes Grand Standard Bearer H.L. Shontieka Adeogun Grand Historian H.L. Tammy Ryder Grand Fraternal Correspondent H.L. Sandra Monk Grand Truth H.L. Tamaria Lelli Grand Faith H.L. Janet Walsh Grand Wisdom H.L. Taylor Lanning Grand Charity H.L. Vicki Chamberlain Grand Musician H.L. Jackie Ketchel Grand Warder S.K. Steve Powell Grand Sentinel S.K. Tony Schwab Grand Page H.L. Michelle Wheeler Grand Crown Bearer H.L. Ramona McNeil Grand Sword Bearer S.K. Chuck Craig GRAND COURT REPRESENTATIVES
Office Name Grand Representative to Alabama H.L. Rene Buchanan Grand Representative to Alaska H.L. Katey Lanning Grand Representative to Arizona H.L. Kathy Thisted Grand Representative to Arkansas H.L. Carolie Larson Grand Representative to California H.L. April Ezekiel Grand Representative to Colorado H.L. Bonnie McCroskey Grand Representative to Connecticut H.L. Emily Hoffman Grand Representative to Florida S.K. Arly Buchanan Grand Representative to Georgia H.L. Lori Kellison Grand Representative to Idaho H.L. Liz Seldon Grand Representative to Illinois S.K. Allan Moulden Grand Representative to Indiana H.L. Lynne Young Grand Representative to Iowa H.L. Samantha Glenn Grand Representative to Kentucky H.L. Morag Crawford Grand Representative to Louisiana H.L. Mickey Young Grand Representative to Massachusetts S.K. Richard Moulden Grand Representative to Missouri S.K. Merle Smith Grand Representative to New Jersey H.L. Priscilla Schwab Grand Representative to New Mexico H.L. Karen House Grand Representative to New York S.K. Gerald Seldon Sr. Grand Representative to North Carolina H.L. Diana Moulden Grand Representative to Ohio S.K. Karl Ickes Grand Representative to Oklahoma S.K. Tom Crawford Grand Representative to Oregon H.L. Diane Rice Grand Representative to Pennsylvania H.L. Patty Reardon Grand Representative Philippines H.L. Dorothy Kippie Grand Representative South Carolina H.L. Chris Bippes Grand Representative Tennessee S.K. Fred Docker Grand Representative Virginia S.K. Richard Broemeling Grand Representative Wisconsin H.L. Jennifer McGilvery ASSISTANT GRAND LECTURERS
Office Name Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Diana Alderman Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Tonia Alderman Assistant Grand Lecturer S.K. Fred Anicker Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Kathy Aniker Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Jill Dell Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Julie Dieu Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Ginny Docker Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Melody Dorning Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Camille Lowery Assistant Grand Lecturer H.L. Ann Phelan GRAND COURT COMMITTEES
Office Name Addresses and Distributions Chair: Tonia Alderman, Nita Rinehart Audit Chair: Leanndra Ickes Budget Chair of Trustees: Glenn Ryder, Finance Committee, Grand Trustees Credentials Chair: Vicki Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Nita Rinehart, Lauren Hefflin, Sara DeBord Delinquents Chair: Nita Rinehart, Patty Reardon, Diana Alderman, Lauren Hefflin Dispensations and Charters Chair: Carolie Larson Elections Chair: Bill Lowery, Richard Moulden, Blair Thisted, Cathy Smith, Priscilla Schwab, Tonia Alderman Finance Chair: Kathy Anicker, Ramona McNeil, Kathy Thisted, Tonia Alderman, Carolyn Adams Fraternal Relations Chair: Sandra Monk & Rex Reardon, Martin Monk, Emilie Greenwell, John Chamberalin, Tom Christie, Stacy Christie Grand Court Annual Session/Site Committee Chair: Ginny Docker & Tammy Ryder, Richard Moulden, Grand Line Officers, Grand Court By Laws Chair: Lori Kellison Jurisprudence Chair: Richard Moulden & Ginny Docker, Diana Moulden, Martin Monk, Sandra Monk, Bonita Hutchins, Ann Phelan Leadership Training Chair: Joy Peters & Blair Thisted, Jill Dell Necrology Chair: Katey Lanning & Taylor Lanning Press Chair: Sharon Dela Cruz Printing Chair: Sue Gibbs Publications (Newsletter) Chair: Camille Lowery Registration Chair: Fred Anicker & Virginia Anicker, Chris Werre, Julie Dieu, Kathy Anicker Sound Chair: Don O’Neill, Karl Ickes Subordinate Court Advisory Chair: Dave McCroskey & Blair Thisted, Allan Moulden, Michelle Wheeler, Richard Moulden Subordinate Court Rules and Regulations Chair: Bill Lowery, Camille Lowery, Leanndra Ickes, Sonja Thorkildsen, Chris Werre, Dorothy Kippie Web Master Kim Knutsen Web Committee Chair: Kim Knutsen, Linda Milo, Camille Lowery, Bill Cooper, Lori Kellison, Tonia Alderman, Mike Riley GRAND COURT SPECIAL COMMITTEES
Office Name Diabetes Coordinator Chair: Dorothy Kippie, Leanndra Ickes, Diane Roe, Marcia Halstead, Chris Were Diabetes Benefit Chair: Jenny Harsin Reed & Michelle Wheeler, Sonja Thorkildsen, Lee Heydlauff, Angela Heydlauff, Diane Rice, Diana Alderman, Tonia Alderman Scholarship Coordinator Chair: Tammy Ryder, Glen Ryder Scholarship Benefit Chair: Diana Moulden Crown & Sword Martin Monk Picnic & Campout Jenny Harsin Reed Official Book Kathy Thisted Membership Chair: Jenny Harsin Reed & Brenda Pedersen Parliamentarian Blair Thisted Philanthropic Teresa Hartz Proceedings Vicki Chamberlain Sunshine – East Ada Anderson Sunshine – West Bonita Hutchins GRAND COURT SESSION SPECIAL COMMITTEES
Office Name Courtesy Hallmark Girls Hospitality Heidi Packell-Patton Masonic Family Night Diana Moulden Meal Coordinator Diane Rice Wednesday’s Dinner Susan Broemeling & Richard Broemeling Thursday’s Lunch Thursday’s Dinner Friday’s Lunch Banquet New Officer’s Lunch Session Ad Book Taylor Lanning Tours Joy Peters Transportation Vendors Jenny Harsin Reed BENEVOLENT FOUNDATION
Benevolent Foundation Information can be found in the Members Only Section of the Website